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Hook, Line and Seafood: A deep dive into COLO’s new oyster bar and other offerings at the North Market

Hook, Line and Seafood: A deep dive into COLO’s new oyster bar and other offerings at the North Market

Ian Holmes always wanted to be a Fish Guy. “There’s something magical about the Downtown North Market,” he said. “I didn’t know when it would happen, but I knew if it ever opened up, I wanted to be a part of that.”

“There’s more public seating in Dublin,” Holmes said. “You go to get a lobster roll and a beer there. For the Downtown location, you get a lobster roll and a beer, and you take home a piece of fish to make for dinner.”

The Downtown location has also been recently updated, having moved across the aisle in the market from its original location and adding a new 10-seat oyster bar.

“We all pride ourselves on how knowledgeable we are about everything we have, whether it be the fresh seafood portion of it or the oysters – we’re able to tell you the differences between each and every oyster.”

It’s the perfect place to enjoy some wine with a date, he said, highlighting the sense of connection and community. 

“That’s half the reason why I wanted to open an oyster bar in Columbus – I love the oyster bar experience in Boston or New York City. I like the banter and I wanted to bring something like that here.”

Read the full article here: Hook, Line and Seafood: A deep dive into COLO’s new oyster bar and other offerings at the North Market

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